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Two men paddling down whitewater in a red canoe.
Location: Bonaventure River, Quebec. Photo credit: Felix Serre

Moving Water Canoe

The Moving Water Canoe program offers students the opportunity to increase their skill and knowledge of whitewater canoeing paddling skills from small currents to progressively more challenging whitewater (Class III rapids) conditions. Emphasis in this program is placed greater boat control, safety, and the thrill of whitewater paddling.

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Skills Programs

Moving Water Safety and Rescue Clinic


This clinic focuses on commonly used moving water river rescue skills and on the fundamental skills, knowledge and manoeuvres of rescuing paddlers and equipment in moving water situations from a paddler’s perspective. It does not replace the need for Swiftwater Rescue Training (SRT) or similar training.

This course is for all levels of canoeists as well as both tandem and solo canoeists. Instructors must teach within their Paddle Canada Moving Water certifications (i.e. International River Classification I, II or III, as well as tandem or solo).

Most safety and rescue techniques incorporate the use of a paddling partner and it is essential for all Moving Water paddlers to travel on the water with others who have been as trained in the same techniques of assisted rescues as the rescuers.


Moving Water Tandem or Solo, any level, or permission of instructor based on proof of prior learning of equivalent skills and knowledge. It is up to the paddler to prove to the instructor by means of evidence, demonstration or assessment that these skills have been learned. Instructors cannot assume that experience has led to learning.

Typical Course Length

1 day or more.